Mission possible: how to get in shape for summer in three months


The warmth of spring is already in the air and the sultry summer is just around the corner. Which means it's time to get in shape!

It doesn’t matter if you want to lose a few extra pounds, tone up your muscles, or simply improve your well-being, this article contains simple recommendations that will lead you to your desired result.

Make a meal plan

Nutrition plays a key role in achieving your goals. Without a competent approach to your diet, achieving the desired results by summer is almost impossible. A fast or mono-diet is an ineffective and unsafe way to lose weight. The basis of a proper diet is variety and frequent small portions.

For those who want to lose weight, experts advise creating a calorie deficit (10-15%). This means you will need to consume fewer calories than you burn.

You should consult a nutritionist to create a balanced diet.

Drink water

It is recommended to start the morning with a glass of clean water. It is also useful to drink a glass of water before lunch and dinner. This will help you avoid overeating.

Remember that we often confuse hunger with thirst.

Start playing sports

Do you want to get in shape, but the gym doesn't appeal to you? Do not despair! Try to find an activity that you enjoy: dancing, yoga, swimming, etc. This way, sport will become not a tedious duty, but a source of joy and energy.

Plus, there are plenty of ways to get moving without leaving home. These include morning exercises, as well as simple but effective exercises such as planks, squats and lunges.

Move more in your daily life! Forget the elevator: climbing flights of stairs is a great cardio workout. Or, instead of taking public transport a couple of stops, walk them.

Start small and gradually increase the load.

Avoid sweets and soda

The path to slimness and health is impossible without giving up bad eating habits. Sweets and carbonated drinks contain a large amount of calories and sugar, which are easily stored as excess weight. In addition, they are addictive.

You don't have to completely eliminate sweets from your life. Instead of store-bought sweets, treat yourself to dried fruits, dark chocolate, and honey in moderation.

Stay motivated

There will inevitably be days when you don't feel like eating healthy or exercising. It's important to find ways to stay motivated.

You can:

- set realistic goals for yourself;

- find yourself a training partner;

- reward yourself for achievements.

Getting in shape for summer is quite possible. Remember that the most important thing is to start. Don't wait for the perfect moment, start today!

Resources: thesymbol.ru; thevoicemag.ru; lisa.ru

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