Turkmen students performed brilliantly at the international online Olympiad UNIPO-2024


Turkmen schoolchildren and students demonstrated excellent results at the prestigious international UNIPO Project Olympiad. The competitions cover categories such as Science, Invention, Art and IT and are held in an offline format, allowing participants to present their work on a global level.

According to the results released by the UNIPO organizing committee, Turkmen schoolchildren won many top awards.

In the Information Technology category, medals were won by Orazguly Achilov, Serdar Velmuradov, Selim Jomartov and Ysmayil Allakuliyev, as well as Mamajan Muhammetnazarova and Aynabat Veljanova.

In the “Science” category, medals were received by Arslan Yangibaev, Makhri Bayramova, Maral Berdimuradova, Ylham Rozyev and Batyr Babajanov.

In the “Inventions” category, prizes went to Elif Gylyjova, Lyala Babayeva, Chary Akmyradov, Kakageldi Orayev, Aynura Rahmedova, Merjen Beglieva, Aynur Ilmyradova and Dilber Ismailova.

Such impressive results indicate the high level of training and talent of Turkmen schoolchildren and students.

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