Garlic and onion: we reveal the “bitter” truth and “acrid” details


For a long time, people have been giving onions and garlic healing properties and believe in their help in the prevention of colds and other diseases.  

In this article we will analyze the benefits, composition and other interesting facts of these vegetables. 

Garlic and onion are united by the content of phytoncides – an active substance that kills and suppresses the growth and development of pathogenic microbes.



Back in the IV century b.c., the inhabitants of the Mediterranean knew about the useful properties of onion. Even on inner walls of the pyramids of Cheops the first written mention has been preserved. Besides, historians consider that onions were a part of the nutrition of the pyramid builders and part of the supplies that would be useful to the Pharaoh in the afterlife. 

Among dozens of  edible types of onions, the most common is a bulb onion. Interestingly, the taste of onions depends on the place of cultivation: the further south, the sweeter. In addition to biological species and varieties, onions are divided into two categories: onion and green. 


Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties. The medieval Persian scientist and physician Avicenna recommended using onion juice to disinfect water, treat wounds and sore throats.

As part of the vegetable: vitamins B, C, PP, E, as well as minerals – manganese, iron and phosphorus.

Useful properties

Immunity. Phytochemical agents in onion act in the capacity of Vitamin С activators.

Heart. Onion works as an anticoagulant, it means that it helps in blood diffluence, preventing the gluing of red blood cells. 

Anemia.  The iron in the onion contributes to the production of new red blood cells. 



In the Stone Age, the inhabitants of Southeast Asia consumed wild garlic. It was cultivated 5000 years ago.
Interesting that the biggest fans of garlic are Koreans and Italians. In these countries, there are 8-12 cloves per inhabitant per day.


Garlic is rich in manganese, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins C and B6. 

Useful properties

Blood pressure. Allicin is an organic compound that helps in preventing the development of atherosclerosis and the appearance of blood clots.  

Poisoning. Garlic helps with heavy metal poisoning and is useful for those who are busy at work with harmful (toxic) working conditions. 

Healthy skin and hair. Two cloves of garlic a day are able to adjust the production of natural collagen and elastin of the skin. Also, the useful components in garlic protect the skin from UV rays and make the hair thick.

Despite the people’s wisdom: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”*, but one should not rely on these vegetables in in the fight against infections. But one onion or several cloves of garlic definitely should be added to daily ration in order to strengthen the immune system in general.

Attention! The publication is for informational purposes only. Even the most useful products should not be abused and try to replace a full-fledged treatment.



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