Turkmenistan and UNDP modernized 114 laboratories to improve health care in the country


Within the framework of the project to strengthen the clinical and laboratory service of the national health care system, financed by the Government of Turkmenistan and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the modernization of laboratories in Ahal velayat and Ashgabat was successfully completed.

In 10 clinical laboratories of the Ahal velayat and 28 laboratories of the Turkmen capital, modern equipment has been installed to conduct a wide range of tests, including general and biochemical blood tests, blood coagulation studies, urinalysis, microscopic examinations and other types of diagnostic tests. The laboratories are also provided with the necessary consumables and reagents.

Previously, similar measures to modernize laboratories were successfully implemented in Mary (19 laboratories), Lebap (27 laboratories), Dashoguz (16 laboratories) and Balkan (14 laboratories) velayats. Thus, within the framework of the project, 114 laboratories throughout the country have been equipped with modern equipment.

The goal of the project is to increase the availability of quality medical services for the population at the primary health care level by strengthening clinical and laboratory services. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to continue to provide laboratories with the necessary reagents and consumables, as well as provide technical support to laboratories in Turkmenistan, the UNDP press service reports.

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