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39 scientists signed a declaration on the presence of consciousness in animals


39 biologists and philosophers from around the world have come together to sign a declaration that recognizes consciousness in animals. reports this.

The declaration, published by New York University, covers not only mammals and birds, but also reptiles, amphibians, fish, and many invertebrates, including insects, crabs, lobsters, squid, octopuses and cuttlefish.

The scientists behind this claim rely on overwhelming scientific evidence showing conscious experience in these animals.

The evidence includes discoveries in recent years. For example, Canadian researchers from Ryerson University have demonstrated that fish are able to pass the mirror test. Developed by psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr., this test is a generally accepted method for determining an animal's capacity for self-awareness.

The declaration not only emphasizes the need for more humane treatment of animals, but also opens a new era in scientific research devoted to consciousness and sentience beyond the human species.

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