An international conference was held on directions and opportunities for tourism development in Turkmenistan


Today, the International Conference “Main Directions and Opportunities for the Development of Tourism in Turkmenistan” was held at the “Yyldyz” hotel.

The participants heard a congratulatory letter from the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

“I firmly believe that the conference held in Ashgabat, the capital of independent neutral Turkmenistan, will be an important step in the development of international cooperation between tourism organizations of the world”, - says the President’s Address.

Representatives of ministries and departments of Turkmenistan, as well as representatives of international organizations, take part in the International Conference.

The conference speakers noted that the development of international cooperation in the field of tourism plays an important role in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Today, the country is actively increasing its dialogue with the World Tourism Organization, the World Federation of Tourist Cities, and developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation with foreign partners in the field of tourism.

Today, the city of Ashgabat is included in the ranking of the World Federation of Tourist Cities, the city of Arkadag and the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone amaze with the beauty of its buildings, and are attracted by the natural features of the Karakum and Koytendag. All this testifies to the country’s enormous tourism potential, it was emphasized at the conference.

During the conference, participants exchanged best experience, information and recommendations for introducing world standards in the tourism industry, reports the IIC.

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